Multi-cloud deployments are becoming the norm, which means that Cloud cost optimization and management is a major theme for 2019. But the market is not yet mature, and you will need to sort through multiple vendors to control expenses related to Cloud Computing. According to recent polls, it has become painfully obvious that there is...
Cloud is the new normal. But in order to take full advantage of the efficiency and agility of the cloud, organizations can not merely “move” their existing applications from an on-premise environment to a cloud environment. Such an approach would significantly slow down their capacity for innovation and their performance, due to inefficient resource consumption…

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or AWS EC2 provides scalable computing capacity in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. Using Amazon EC2 eliminates your need to invest in hardware upfront, so you can develop and deploy applications faster. You can use Amazon EC2 to launch as many or as few virtual servers as you…

Business today is very competitive and each industry is deriving ways to bring to the market the best products at the lowest prices, without compromising on the standards. In this scenario, it is imperative to manufacture the same, or better, products at lower prices. Techniques like predictive maintenance can help manage costly assets and reduce…
WHY? : In AWS Simple Storage Service(S3), you can user versioning to keep multiple versions of an object in one bucket. For more info about object versioning, click here. Using MFA-protected S3 buckets will enable an extra layer of protection to ensure that the S3 objects (files) cannot be accidentally or intentionally deleted by the...

Firebase cloud messaging (FCM) is a service which enables you to send message or notification on Android device. This session describes how to obtain the FCM prerequisites and send push notification messages to a mobile endpoint. Push notification is sort of message or notification, you can send to users even when they are not actively…

Recently, I came across use case where applications are being deployed using AWS Beanstalk Services. When you deploy your applications using Beanstalk, your application URL looks like, which is not at all user friendly. Beanstalk details To make the URLs user friendly, one must Launch Reverse proxy server (EC2 instance). After launching…

AWS Database Migration service (DMS) allows AWS customers to easily migrate production databases to AWS with minimal downtime. With AWS DMS, you can perform one-time migrations, and you can replicate ongoing changes to keep sources and targets in sync. AWS DMS automatically manages the deployment, management, and monitoring of all hardware and software needed for…

At times, you might want to hire third party AWS partners/service providers to manage your AWS infrastructure. They eventually need to take a look at your AWS resources and execute API operations that list, describe, create or update components in your AWS account. There are multiple ways to set up cross-account access but the most…
Organizations gather huge volumes of data which, they believe, will help improve their products and services. For example, a company may collect data on how its customers use its products, customer data to know its customer base, and website visits. However, a large portion of the collected data is never even brought to use….