It’s been estimated that by 2020, 80 percent of organizations will have overshot their cloud budgets, largely because they lack optimization. A systemic failure to the strategy has headed to cloud costs getting out of control. Think of the initial days of moving to the cloud? It looked like there was nothing that the cloud…
Container images that can be downloaded to the Docker Hub are able to meet almost by any need, from operating systems to complete application ecosystems, databases, middleware or yet the application engines supporting node.js, Python, and Go. You can find everything there, in fact, companies that today use containers (and this is the majority) probably…

In recent years cloud adoption has been growing as organizations prioritize them integrate cloud visibility security strategy and move their key applications to shared resources. The RightScale State of the Cloud Survey found that 94% of IT professionals use the cloud to run their businesses. The public cloud is adopted by 91% of respondents while…

With all the unpatched vulnerabilities within a month without an announcement of hacking and investigation to know the culprits. Sometimes companies or individuals, true hunters of vulnerabilities, who have revealed the existence of flaws, sometimes it is the publishers who have been slow to publish the patches, often it is the companies or users who…

Expert says by 2022, there will be more than 30% of hospital data centers will be hosted in the cloud. Yet, a survey conducted in 2019 highlights insufficient security practices regarding the security issues of data stored in these cloud infrastructures. The healthcare sector is one of the prime targets of computer attacks, with a…

Security incidents related to the Internet of Things (IoT) in the medical field will experience a sharp increase in 2019. This alarm has just been pulled by the American association HIMMS, working to improve healthcare, using technology. The reason is simple: the number of connected objects literally explodes in the healthcare field, and cybercriminals see…